New paper!! Inferred Attractiveness

Inferred Attractiveness: A generalized mechanism for sexual selection that can maintain variation in traits and preferences over time

Emily H. DuVal, Courtney L. Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth A. Hobson, Maria R. Servedio

PLOS Biology:


Sexual selection by mate choice is a powerful force that can lead to evolutionary change, and models of why females choose particular mates are central to understanding its effects.… [Read full details]

New paper! Identity information in parakeet calls

Grace has a new paper now out in PLOS Computational Biology!

Individual identity information persists in learned calls of introduced parrot populations

Grace Smith-Vidaurre , Valeria Pérez-Marrufo, Elizabeth A. Hobson, Alejandro Salinas-Melgoza, Timothy F. Wright


Animals can actively encode different types of identity information in learned communication signals, such as group membership or individual identity.… [Read full details]

New paper! Biology graduate students quantitative confidence

Challenges and opportunities to build quantitative self-confidence in biologists 

Kim Cuddington, Karen C Abbott, Frederick R Adler, Mehmet Aydeniz, Rene Dale, Louis J Gross, Alan Hastings, Elizabeth A Hobson, Vadim A Karatayev, Alexander Killion, Aasakiran Madamanchi, Michelle L Marraffini, Audrey L McCombs, Widodo Samyono, Shin-Han Shiu, Karen H Watanabe, Easton R White

Link to journal

This paper came out of a NIMBioS workshop called “Quantitative Education in Life Science Graduate Programs


New graduate students in biology programs may lack the quantitative skills necessary for their research and professional careers.… [Read full details]