Hobson Lab at ABS!!

The bulk of my lab will be at the annual Animal Behavior Society conference next week. Come check out our suite of talks!!

Elizabeth A. Hobson

Hobson Lab PI

Wed (26th) 1:30PM — Social behavior 2

“Social support and rank dynamics in parakeet groups”

Claire L.

[Read full details]

New paper!! Inferred Attractiveness

Inferred Attractiveness: A generalized mechanism for sexual selection that can maintain variation in traits and preferences over time

Emily H. DuVal, Courtney L. Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth A. Hobson, Maria R. Servedio

PLOS Biology: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002269


Sexual selection by mate choice is a powerful force that can lead to evolutionary change, and models of why females choose particular mates are central to understanding its effects.… [Read full details]

New paper! Identity information in parakeet calls

Grace has a new paper now out in PLOS Computational Biology!

Individual identity information persists in learned calls of introduced parrot populations

Grace Smith-Vidaurre , Valeria Pérez-Marrufo, Elizabeth A. Hobson, Alejandro Salinas-Melgoza, Timothy F. Wright


Animals can actively encode different types of identity information in learned communication signals, such as group membership or individual identity.… [Read full details]