New paper! Identity information in parakeet calls

Grace has a new paper now out in PLOS Computational Biology!

Individual identity information persists in learned calls of introduced parrot populations

Grace Smith-Vidaurre , Valeria Pérez-Marrufo, Elizabeth A. Hobson, Alejandro Salinas-Melgoza, Timothy F. Wright


Animals can actively encode different types of identity information in learned communication signals, such as group membership or individual identity.… [Read full details]

Press release! Importance of parakeet social history


Mike Miller did a great press release for our recent paper on rank dynamics and social history in monk parakeets. Thanks Mike!


These birds vacation at their peril

Gregarious monk parakeets lose social standing during an absence


Stephen Hawking famously said showing up is half the battle.

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Darby Moore wins an NSF GRFP!!

Huge congratulations to Darby for winning an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!!

Darby will join my lab as a PhD student in Fall 2023 and will work on merging conservation practices with animal behavior and sociality in parrots. She joins the lab after two years as a post-bac on our parakeet crews in 2022 and 2023. … [Read full details]