Shruti presents her capstone research

Congratulations to Hobson Lab undergraduate student Shruti Parashar!

Shruti did a great job summarizing several analyses of Little Blue Penguin social behavior during her very first scientific presentation, called “Analyzing social relationships of Little Blue Penguins”.

Shruti has been a member of the Hobson Lab Penguin Data Club since Fall 2019 (our very first semester!).… [Read full details]

Talk for UC Ornithology Club

I was invited to give a talk at the UC Ornithology Club‘s meeting. The club meets every-other Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm on campus. They seem like a great group and have lots of field trips planned.

It was really fun to give my birdy-est talk possible, featuring my previous and on-going work with 14 species of parrots as well as highlighting upcoming work in my lab with Monk Parakeets, Bobwhite Quail, and Little Blue Penguins.… [Read full details]

Complex Networks Winter Workshop 2019 (CNWW)

I was invited to be a lecturer and faculty mentor for the second annual Complex Networks Winter Workshop in Quebec City, Canada. CNWW (pronounced “canoe”) is a one-week crash course in transdisciplinary approaches to complex networks, bringing together biologists, social scientists, mathematicians, and more to learn about a variety of network methods and to conduct independent group projects, all while staying in the historic monastery in beautiful Quebec City.… [Read full details]