Tambopata Macaw Project, Peru

Research Assistant, Duke University, Tambopata Macaw Project Tambopata Research Center, Peru

From May to August 2003, I worked at the Tambopata Macaw Project, a long-term monitoring site in Peru run by Donald Brightsmith (now at Texas A&M). I collected data during observations of parrot behavior at the clay lick, conducted point counts, learned technical tree climbing techniques, and presented slide shows about research goals and findings to ecotourists.… [Read full details]

Roseate Tern project, US Virgin Islands

Research Assistant, University of Alaska Fairbanks — Lovango Cay & Leduck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands

I assisted Hector Douglas in his PhD research on the endangered roseate tern. I recorded foraging and chick feeding observations of colonial seabirds, handled juvenile and adult birds, and trapped adults.… [Read full details]