New penguin chicks!

The first new Cincinnati Zoo babies of the year are baby penguins!

Here’s the news from the zoo:

The zoo is reporting Reuben and Chip as the parents of these two new chicks. Interestingly, in our very preliminary analyses last semester in Penguin Data Club, Reuben was very social while Chip was not (based on RFID tags and swimming data).… [Read full details]

Complex Networks Winter Workshop 2019 (CNWW)

I was invited to be a lecturer and faculty mentor for the second annual Complex Networks Winter Workshop in Quebec City, Canada. CNWW (pronounced “canoe”) is a one-week crash course in transdisciplinary approaches to complex networks, bringing together biologists, social scientists, mathematicians, and more to learn about a variety of network methods and to conduct independent group projects, all while staying in the historic monastery in beautiful Quebec City.… [Read full details]

Penguin data club field trip

This semester, I recruited University of Cincinnati undergrads interested in gaining research experience with a volunteer data analysis opportunity. The students used data collected at the Cincinnati Zoo, and generously shared by Dr. Katie Kalafut, to start to learn how to clean and manage data, run analyses, and code in R. … [Read full details]

Penguin Data Club, Fall 2019

I started “Penguin Data Club” this fall at the University of Cincinnati. Working in collaboration with Dr. Katie Kalafut and the Cincinnati Zoo, we will dig into the social lives of Little Blue Penguins. 

This is an opportunity for undergrad students to volunteer 2 hours / week to learn about data analysis, coding in R, social network analysis, and of course, penguins!… [Read full details]

Talk & working group at U. Tennessee

I was really excited to re-visit Knoxville this week. I hadn’t been back since finishing my postdoc at NIMBioS and moving to Santa Fe. I visited with the Psych and EEB departments, gave my first Psych department talk, and got a ton of science done in a working group with Todd Freeberg, Nina Fefferman, and David Buckley.… [Read full details]