Article recommended by F1000

My recent paper, led by Courtney Fitzpatrick, was recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field by F1000 Faculty Member Susan Alberts.

“This interesting analysis addresses the question ‘are scientists correct in their perception that theoretical biologists and empirical biologists do not engage in sufficient cross-talk to mutually inform each other’s work?’ The authors use a citation analysis to examine how empirical, theoretical, mixed, and review papers cite and are cited by papers in these same categories. They conclude that considerably more cross-talk (at least in the form of cross-citations) occurs than is popularly perceived, and they delve into some of the complexities of how and why the patterns that we see exist, and why the perceptions of scientists are what they are. This is a very good paper for a journal club and worth a read by all of us who delve into both literatures.”

— Susan Alberts —

Alberts S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Fitzpatrick CL et al., Bioscience 2018]. In F1000Prime, 07 Sep 2018; 10.3410/f.733899237.793550236