SFI collaboration visitor: David Fisher

I invited David Fisher to SFI for a research collaboration visit. We had a great time talking about new ideas, networks, hierarchies, and more all week, and even fit in some hiking at the Tsankawi Ruins.

David gave a talk while he was at SFI:

Estimating Indirect Effects in a Wild and Anti-Social Mammal

Nearly all organisms interact with conspecifics at some point in their lives, and as such can affect one another’s phenotypes.[Read full details]

Adaptive flexibility hypothesis – new paper

My new paper, “Behavioral flexibility and species invasions: the adaptive flexibility hypothesis”, led by Tim Wright and Jessica Eberhard, has been published.


Behavioral flexibility is an important adaptive response to changing environments for many animal species. Such plasticity may also promote the invasion of novel habitats by introduced species by providing them with the ability to expand or change their ecological niche, a longstanding idea with recent empirical support.
[Read full details]