New paper! Personality in cicadas

New paper, led by Allison Roth!! See the full text here at Behavioral Ecology


There exists growing evidence that animal personality (consistent between individual differences in behavior) can influence an individual’s fitness. Furthermore, limitations in behavioral plasticity may cause personality-mediated tradeoffs to occur, for example, between speed and accuracy in decision making.… [Read full details]

ABS 2022: Social Competency Symposium

With Marcela Benítez, I co-organized a symposium at the Animal Behavior Conference focused on Social Competency. We had a great mix of speakers, with some longer keynote talks, regular research talks, and several short lightning talks all centered on work touching on ideas of social competency in animals.… [Read full details]

New preprint! The importance of social history on rank in parakeets

We just posted a new preprint “Social manipulations disentangle rank effects of individual characteristics and social history”. This paper was led by Hobson Lab postdoc Annemarie van der Marel, with support from Hobson Lab PhD students Xavier Francis, Claire O’Connell, Chelsea Carminito, and our former postbac Cesar Estien (who is currently a PhD student at UC Berkeley).… [Read full details]

New paper! Dominance hierarchy data archive and R package

Eli Strauss, Dai Shizuka, James Curley, and I recently co-edited a special issue all about dominance hierarchies. For the issue, Eli led a new paper that compiles datasets on over 100 species for which dominance data have been published. Our team also built an R package to more easily manage these datasets (to make comparative analyses much easier) and to run basic dominance hierarchy summaries. … [Read full details]